Special Session on:
e-Infrastructures for Hydro Meteorological Research (eInfra4HMR)
The design and implementation of e-infrastructures for Hydro-Meteorological Research (HMR) and for Civil Protection applications require solving a number of problems that are concerned with multidisciplinary and interoperability issues. At the heart of this challenge lies the ability to have easy access to forecasting model and data components, assembling them according to recognized standards and facilitating collaboration between the Hydro-Meteorological (HM) and ICT communities. This is of particular importance because ICT methodologies and tools are often aimed at satisfying general needs resulting in a gap between specific HM modeling chain requirements and available tools. The goal is to relieve HM scientists from the burden of time-consuming activities as to install and optimize legacy forecast models that have been developed by such heterogeneous scientific community, to access and prepare the necessary data to run the models, to select the executable resources and monitor the simulation and to retrieve results, allowing them to focus mainly on how to improve the forecasts.
The aim of this special session is to bring together HM and ICT researchers – and in perspective the Climate modeling community - in order to present and discuss solutions for this applicative scenario.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- data access, management and exchange among heterogeneous HMR models
- data base solutions for store, access and retrieve HMR data
- set up, management and validation of complex HMR workflows on distributed infrastructures
- HPC, Grid and Cloud experience in HMR
- set up and management of e-Infrastructures for HMR
- science gateway for HMR
- advanced and user friendly interfaces to manage HMR forecasting simulations
- advanced remote visualization solutions for HMR simulation results
- simple services for citizen scientists interested in HM
Important dates
Paper submission:Acceptance notification:
Camera ready due: 20th Nov 2014
Registration due: 20th Nov. 2014
Conference: 4th - 6th Mar 2015
- Daniele D'Agostino, CNR-IMATI, IT
- Andrea Clematis, CNR-IMATI, IT
- Michael Schiffers, MNM-LMU. DE
Programme Committee:
- Emanuele Danovaro, CNR-IMATI, IT
- Bert Jagers, Deltares, NL
- Quillon Harpham, HR Wallingford, UK
- Luis Garrote, UPM, SP
- Elisabetta Fiori, CIMA Foundation, IT
- Olivier Caumont, CNRS, FR
- Antonella Galizia, CNR-IMATI, IT
- Nils Gentschen Felde, MNM-LMU. DE
- Alfonso Quarati, CNR-IMATI, IT
- Fabio Delogu, CIMA Foundation, IT
- Christian Straube , MNM-LMU. DE
Submission guidelines
Prospective authors should submit a full paper not exceeding 8 pages in the Conference proceedings format (double-column, 10pt). Double-bind review: the first page of the paper should contain only the title and abstract; in the reference list, references to the authors’ own work should appear as "omitted for blind review" entries. Manuscript submission
Proceedings will be published by the Conference Publishing Services (CPS) in the same volume of the main track. Authors of accepted papers are expected to register and present their papers at the Conference. Conference proceedings will be submitted for inclusion in Xplore and the CSDL, and for indexing, among others, to DBLP, Scopus ScienceDirect, and ISI Web of Knowledge.Selected high-quality papers from the session related to the use of Grid and Cloud technologies will be considered to appear in the Journal of Grid Computing (ISI IF 1.603).
Daniele D'Agostino Institute of Applied Mathematics and Information Technologies (IMATI) National Research Council (CNR) - Italy E-mail: Tel: Fax: |
Andrea Clematis Institute of Applied Mathematics and Information Technologies (IMATI) National Research Council (CNR) - Italy E-mail: Tel: Fax: |
Michael Schiffers Munich Network Management Team (MNM Team) Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich (LMU) - Germany E-mail: Tel: Fax: |
Supporting projects
The DRIHM (Distributed Research Infrastructure for Hydro-Meteorology) project intends to develop a prototype e-Science environment to facilitate this collaboration and provide end-to-end HMR services (models, datasets and post-processing tools) at the European level, with the ability to expand to global scale. The objectives of DRIHM are to lead the definition of a common long-term strategy, to foster the development of new HMR models and observational archives for the study of severe hydrometeorological events, to promote the execution and analysis of high-end simulations, and to support the dissemination of predictive models as decision analysis tools.
The DRIHM2US (Distributed Research Infrastructure for Hydro-Meteorology to United States of America) project intends to promote the cooperation between Europe the USA, both sides of the Atlantic, to develop a joint/common HMR e-Infrastructure. Building on existing but regional projects such as DRIHM and CESM (Community Earth System Model, USA), DRIHM2US project will help in understanding the utilization of e-Infrastructures towards improving the predictive ability of severe storms and utilization of these predictions for hazard prediction and control under climate change effects. As such, HMR serves as a key example for the utilization of e-Infrastructures in Advancing Science of Service to Society and can be a lighthouse for broader directions within HMR and for other scientific disciplines.